WebCL - Heterogeneous parallel computing in HTML5 web browsers

The WebCL working group is working to define a JavaScript binding to the Khronos OpenCL standard for heterogeneous parallel computing. WebCL will enable web applications to harness GPU and multi-core CPU parallel processing from within a Web browser, enabling significant acceleration of applications such as image and video processing and advanced physics for WebGL games. WebCL is being developed in close cooperation with the Web community and has the potential to extend the capabilities of HTML5 browsers to accelerate computationally intensive and rich visual computing applications.

WebCL by Nokia
It is very simple: it is a Javascript-version of the host-specific OpenCL code. Kernels are just kernels as we know them. Nokia has put together a very nice WebCL homepage, which contains tutorials. And at lesson one we see how it looks like:

function detectCL() {
  // First check if the WebCL extension is installed at all

  if (window.WebCL == undefined) {
    alert("Unfortunately your system does not support WebCL. " +
          "Make sure that you have both the OpenCL driver " +
          "and the WebCL browser extension installed.");
    return false;

  // Get a list of available CL platforms, and another list of the
  // available devices on each platform. If there are no platforms,
  // or no available devices on any platform, then we can conclude
  // that WebCL is not available.

  try {
    var platforms = WebCL.getPlatformIDs();
    var devices = [];
    for (var i in platforms) {
      var plat = platforms[i];
      devices[i] = plat.getDeviceIDs(WebCL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL);
    alert("Excellent! Your system does support WebCL.");
  } catch (e) {
    alert("Unfortunately platform or device inquiry failed.");